For us, the family is the cornerstone of the Nation. The fictions and hypocrisies of the world are left on the threshold of the home when entering this temple of truth and sincerity. Not for nothing our best history has been built on the strength of households. Over the years, our Nation has been, rather than a sum of individuals, a sum of households, of families with a common surname, with their generations and their natural and sacred hierarchies, with a solidarity that makes us serve and help each other and makes us feel the misfortunes or sufferings of others more strongly than if they were our own. Because of the elevation of feelings that the family order embodies, because of the solidarity of a common destiny, because of the network of effects and traditions accumulated over the years, which are transmitted from parents to children along with the torch of duty, honour, hard work or sacrifice, what can be established between the family and the Homeland is not only similar to this, but, furthermore, the family is a model, an archetype, for the Nation.